lørdag 6. oktober 2012

"Walking the line" - along the railway track to Zelenika

an imaginary train journey through Herceg Novi
Tracking the narrow gauge 760 mm railway in Herceg Novi,
opened in 1901 and closed down in 1968.
This part of the Yugoslav railway network, built by the Austrians, ended up in Zelenika.

Above the border crossing into Montenegro you can see the track.
Here it comes,
Sutorina Railway Station

.... one for the ladies and one for the real men,

and here it leaves, further on, down to Igalo,
closer down to the sea level,
crossing the road to Njivice,

 from Nenadovic' wedding in February 1904 in front of the brand new railway

 crossing the river Sutorina,

passing across the plain Solila (Solina),

onto the town Igalo

where the railway station has been demolished, but here it was.
And here it is in those two photos; down to the right.

 Closeby we find this only remaining wagon from the narrow gauged line.

From this roof top we can try to imagine the steam locomotive arriving town, 
and leaving,
where the cars now are in charge.
“In this view near Uskoplje, junction for the line to Hercegnovi,
No. 83-126 banked by 83-151 were working upgrade
with empties for the bauxite mines at Hum.
Unfortunately the picture cannot reproduce
the characteristic two-beats-to-the-bar CHUFF-chuff,
very loud and quite regular,
made by these wonderful engines,
so obviously well maintained.”
(Charlie Lewis in 1965 in his text to a picture

This is where the railway track leave the road
and continue along nowadays pedestrian Šetalište to the right,

and the scenery for travellers became more and more impressive.
Just following the track....

Igalo 1910

slightly before 1963-64

Day of conclution for the Festival Mimoza, parade walking to Škver.
Entering Topla.

 The tunnel in Topla is a masterpiece of engineering.
And even more; tribute to the workers who made it. 

Closing up to Škver

This picture is said to be from 1890.
It might be so. It shows no railway track.

Herceg Novi 1914
Škver (means square) 1910-1920, is the old harbour for Herceg Novi.

The railway in Herceg Novi was built in the period when this region,
including the Bay of Kotor, was occupied by the Austro-Hungarian Empire.


 Herceg Novi Railway Station
is now rennovated by the famous filmmaker, actor and musician Emir Kusturica
and opened as a centre for culture activities.


Passing by Forte Mare

 and the citadel Citadela,
which was completely destroyed in the earthquake i 1979,
eleven years after the last train passed by.

Between 1974 and 1982 all the remaining Yugoslav narrow-gauge lines were closed
by decree from head office - apparently on advice from foreign consultants.
Those consultants did Yugoslavia and the world at large a great disservice.
Whereas Switzerland has long banked on the scenic beauty of its country
to keep its narrow-gauge lines open mainly for tourism,
Yugoslavia, with scenery that is arguably every bit as good as Switzerland's,
could have been advised to do the same.
A by-product of such a policy would have been
the retention of rural services to isolated communities.

Hotel Plaža then and now.


Entering Savina, where there was some kind of train stop, but no regular station.
It might have been close to the upto now military hospital in Savina/Meljine.

the shelter at the railway stop in Savina 1968

arriving from Meljine 1967, to the right the Red Cross rest home - one of the largest in Yugoslavia
Entering Meljine.
Looking back to Savina with the Monastery and the military (now civil) Hospital.
The railway track crossed around in the outskirts of Meljine,
but it is today part of the main road in the middle of the town.

The track split from the road, heading right,

and continue to this tunnel.
The tunnel is closed and serve as a place where a local guy makes a living.

The road for cars was forced to klimb, hanging outside this cliff
before the new road came with another tunnel.

Posted Image

Closing up the final destination, Zelenika,
where there was built a new harbour to connect the railroad to the world.
Not suprisingly, this first hotel in Herceg Novi,
Hotel Plaža in Zelenika was opened in 1902.

Zelenika Railway Station


This last two pictures are from August 1968, when the railroad tracks was removed.
67 years of railroad history had come to an end.

An enthusiast from Mikulići, Marko Bradovica,
has made a wonderful plan to reopen the railway
between Dubrovnik and Herceg Novi as a touristic attraction.
It would be a great pleasure for the region
if he succeeds getting the emotional and financial support he needs.
The sceneries travelling this track on a train would be just amazing.
I really wish him good luck.

For more information of how it was to travel this line
and of technical and material descriptions,
please go to
Lot of credit also to

Thanks a lot for following me all the way.
Hope to see you somewhere soon on the Šetalište.

15 kommentarer:

  1. Mye jobb bak dette .Bra saker

  2. My congratulations for such a comprehensive and incredible colletion of photos.
    Could you tell me where did you get the following photo:
    i1x hn skver Motorni voz eller motorvogn tatt 1960-61 417687_369037529787904_2136338236_n

    1. Thanks for your support.
      You can find the photo in many cites on the net. Among those in
      There are many other interesting photos too.
      I think I have picked it somewhere else, on facebook Moja Crna Gora I believe, but don't know where, like we all do in this business. Sorry about that. I should have noted my sources.

  3. Thank you very much! I'm now staying in Igalo and was very interested by this railroad story. It was very difficult to find old photographs in the web, and now I'm happy :)
    I want to find same locations as on old shots and make photos-twins: with and without railroad.
    Thank you!

  4. Thank you. I was in Herceg Novi last week and interested in history of this narrow gauge railway. I didn't expect that I was walking along this rail track. Very good photos and informations :)


  5. Great Post!!

    I was looking for this kind of travel agency. This informative post will help to find out more details about Walking Trip in Montenegro.

    Thanks for sharing it.

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    ja neerude siirdamine elava ja terve doonoriga.Oleme
    asub Indias.Nigeerias, Araabia Ühendemiraatides, USA-s ja kõigis nende osades
    riik. Kui olete huvitatud neerude ostmisest või müügist, palun
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    Pange tähele: Internetti on palju
    erinevate motiividega inimestest, nii et palun olge siirad ja ausad
    ei ole laps, see on teiste elude päästmine. Pettus ei ole
    palun vastu võetud. Parimate soovidega...
    Kiire vastus

  7. My life changing testimony14. april 2024 kl. 03:30

    mărturie, mărturie!! !!! Vreau să fiu povestea cum Dumnezeu dr. Pedro m-a ajutat cu operația la rinichi. Sunt Lynda din Spania și am vândut un nefrolog la Spitalul Pedro cu 1.000.000 de euro. După ce am completat formularul și am fost de acord cu condițiile, am fost operat în SUA, la clinica Holy Madrina, au și filială în Europa în Olanda și Turcia, dar nu, au cea mai bună experiență medicală completă. iar dupa operatie am cerut 1.000.000 de euro poti lua si tu

  8. My life changing testimony14. april 2024 kl. 03:33

    tunnistus, tunnistus!! !!! Ma tahan olla lugu sellest, kuidas Jumal dr. Pedro aitas mind neeruoperatsioonil. Olen Lynda Hispaaniast ja müüsin nefroloogi Pedro haiglasse 1 000 000 euroga. Pärast ankeedi täitmist ja tingimustega nõustumist opereeriti mind USA-s, Holy Madrina kliinikus, neil on filiaal ka Euroopas Hollandis ja Türgis, aga ei, neil on parim igakülgne meditsiinikogemus ja peale operatsiooni küsisin 1 000 000 eurot, saab ka pool enne operatsiooni või natukene raha kuludeks ja olen väga rahul, et kõik rahalised probleemid on möödas. Kutsun kõiki üles võtma ühendust Dr pöörduge Pedroini poole. E-post: Marialadrimaholyclinic@gmail.com

  9. Dr lambert PhD3. mai 2024 kl. 18:17

    Eesmärk on teavitada üldsust, terveid mehi ja naisi. Keda huvitab
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    sest meid on palju
    Patsiendid, kes vajavad praegu neerusiirdamist.
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    Ostame sinu oma
    Neer 1000 000 €
    Maks: 700 000 €
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    Luuüdi: 900 000 €
    Saatke meile e-kiri
    email;. neurologyspecialisthospital@gmail.com
    WhatsApp: küsi minult

  10. Dr ladrima PhD8. mai 2024 kl. 04:10

    tunnistus, tunnistus!! !!! Ma tahan olla lugu sellest, kuidas dr Pedro mind neeruoperatsioonil aitas. Olen Lynda Hispaaniast ja müüsin nefroloogi Pedro haiglasse 1 000 000 euroga. Peale ankeedi täitmist ja tingimustega nõustumist käisin operatsioonil USA-s, Holy Madrina kliinikus, neil on filiaal ka Euroopas Hollandis ja Türgis, aga ei, neil on parim igakülgne meditsiiniline kogemus ja peale operatsiooni Küsisin 1 000 000 eurot, saab ka poole enne operatsiooni või natukene kuluraha ja olen väga rahul, et kõik rahaprobleemid on möödas. Kutsun kõiki üles võtma ühendust dr Pedroga. E-post: Marialadrimaholyclinic@gmail.com

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  12. vitnesbyrd, vitnesbyrd!! !!! Jeg vil være historien om hvordan Dr. Pedro hjalp meg med nyrekirurgi. Jeg er Lynda fra Spania, og jeg solgte en nefrolog til Pedro Hospital for 1 000 000 euro. Etter å ha fylt ut skjemaet og akseptert betingelsene, ble jeg operert i USA, på Holy Madrina-klinikken, de har også en filial i Europa i Holland og Tyrkia, men nei, de har den beste omfattende medisinske erfaringen og etter operasjonen Jeg spurte 1 000 000 euro, du kan også få halvparten før operasjonen eller noen pengebruk og jeg er veldig glad for at alle de økonomiske problemene er over. Jeg oppfordrer alle til å kontakte Dr. Pedro. E-post: Marialadrimaholyclinic@gmail.com

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